“The tighten up of VAT system” – an assessment attempt of effectiveness of legislative and organizational efforts


  • Marek Bełdzikowski Doktor, uczestnik seminarium naukowego w ramach forum prawa podatkowego, Zakład Prawa Finansowego i Podatkowego Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego




VAT tax, closing tax gap, administrative costs


This paper essentially concentrates on legislative and administrative activities aimed to increase fiscal effectivity Value Added Tax. Main attention was focused on “anti-fraud efforts” implemented after year 2015. The main research question is as follows: whether the aim of “tightening up VAT system” was achieved and what was the cost. The cost “tightening up VAT system” was especially of additional tax burden – administrative cost levied on taxpayers. The purpose of the article is to take an attempt to answer to that question by the analysis of legislative and administrative measures and the cost/effect outcome of the measures implementation.


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How to Cite

Bełdzikowski, M. (2018). “The tighten up of VAT system” – an assessment attempt of effectiveness of legislative and organizational efforts. Tax Law Quarterly, (3), 111–148. https://doi.org/10.18778/1509-877X.2018.03.06




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