Tax payer’s payment ability as a criterion of fair taxation


  • Adam Nita Profesor nauk prawnych, kierownik Zakładu Prawa Finansowego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego



tax payment ability, fair taxation


Necessity to adjust the weight of tax to tax payer’s payment ability is one of foundations of the fair taxation. It has confirmation in the theory of tax law, as well as in Constitution of the Republic Poland and in judgements of the Constitutional Tribunal. This is because taxes are imperiously imposed by state and interferes in the taxpayer’s ownership. Therefore it is important to create a mechanism of the tax debtor’s protection from the unjust burden of public duty. Author presents evolution in perception of fair taxation, issue of the principle of payment ability as well as its manifestations in the currently forced law. Moreover, he treats the problem of payment ability as a determinant of fair taxation in indirect taxes.


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How to Cite

Nita, A. (2017). Tax payer’s payment ability as a criterion of fair taxation. Tax Law Quarterly, (4), 9–27.




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