Tax Relief on Expenses Made to Adapt Motor Vehicles to the Needs Resulting from Disability
disabled person, rehabilitation, motor vehicle, income tax, tax reliefAbstract
The aim of the study is to analyse and evaluate the applicable legislation aimed at identifying the subjective, objective, value and time limits of the tax relief in the personal income tax due in connection with the expenses incurred for adapting a motor vehicle to the needs resulting from disability. The thesis about the need to carry out a comprehensive interpretation of the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Act and other acts, including the Traffic Law Act and the Act on vocational and social rehabilitation and employment of disabled people, has been positively verified. Such activities are necessary for the correct quantification of the rights of the taxpayer deducting the incurred expenses from income and thus reducing the income tax burden. The possibility of using this tax relief is a form of state aid addressed to people with disabilities. The effects of this assistance may consist in making it easier for them to perform activities of daily living, both in the area of personal activity and professional work or business activity. The legal structure of the presented tax relief is a way of implementing the program standard under Art. 69 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, which provides for assistance to the disabled by public authorities in securing their existence, preparing for work and social communication.
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- 2024-08-13 (2)
- 2024-07-29 (1)
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