Legal review of selected issues of taxation with real estate tax in Poland of different technical devices
real estate tax in Poland, construction objects, technology in tax law, technical devices in heavy industryAbstract
The study provides a high-level law technical walk-through of selected problems of taxation with real estate tax in Poland, especially connected with technological devices used in modern heavy industry and service industry. It focuses on Polish law and points out the fundamental issues related to real estate tax and its influence on fiscal and taxation politics in other Central and Eastern European countries. In the article particular attention is paid to the distinction of the buildings, structures, and building objects within the meaning of the act on local taxes and fees and the Construction Law. Then, more complex issues are discussed, such as taxation of electricity and telecommunication networks, electrostatic precipitators, and structures inside buildings. The latest views of the doctrine and current positions presented in the jurisprudence of administrative courts are analyzed hereinbelow.
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