Rural women as participants in social life




post-modern rural areas, farming women, women’s empowerment, social activity


It should be stressed that farming women following their male counterparts have become more active beyond the farm household and engaged in local community issues. On the one side they seem to be still “more traditional” participants in social life, while on the other – the seem to use more modern sources of information (Internet) as well. However, one should ask: what is the main reason of this increasing of the interest in rural communities issues and, in fact, some global problems? Is this only an attempt to enlarge their capacities from farms to a broader social space? Such aspirations seem to be a part of women activities. However, it should be stressed that such aspiration seem to result from the current debate on empowerment and equal rights of women in public life as well.


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How to Cite

Gorlach, K., & Drąg, Z. (2019). Rural women as participants in social life. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (68), 47–66.