Social and educational determinants of biographical experiences in the narrations of the 1947 generation


  • Jan Rostocki Uniwersytet Łódzki, Instytut Socjologii



ideological doctrine, generation, formative experience, „master” rhetorical figure


In this article we present the results of the analysis of transcribed narrative biographical interviews that were carried out with retired professors of the Institute of Sociology (University of Łódź) who began their university education in 1965. Therefore the members of this group were representatives of a generation that was born just after the Second World War. The conversations focused on their memories concerning their university education in the years 1965–1970 and later academic work, which together form the communicative memory of this generation. The first part of this article is focused on the brief description of the relation between the ideological doctrine and the status of sociology as a science. It’s second part contains an analysis of the aforementioned transcriptions which is divided into two main problem areas: the formative experiences connected to the events of march 1968 and the relations between great scientists and their students taking the form of a master – follower relationship , described by the rhetorical figure of the “master”.


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How to Cite

Rostocki, J. (2018). Social and educational determinants of biographical experiences in the narrations of the 1947 generation. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (67), 11–33.