Between locality and communality: Community creation aspects of urban scenes
locality, community, socio-cultural opportunities structure, cultural practices, urban scenesAbstract
The article addresses the problem of emergence, reproduction and reconstruction of local communities as well as relations between communality and locality in shaping local communities in contemporary cities. Starting from the discussion of the ecological and psychosocial trends in the analysis of local communities and their evolution towards the concept of new locality and new communality, the article points to a gap between these two approaches in analyzing community phenomena in contemporary cities, and thus the need to reintegrate both aspects for a better understanding of community-forming processes in modern cities. The concept of urban scenes is proposed as a conceptually valuable field for the exploration of these processes, in which the phenomena of new locality and the new community are permeating. As a conclusion, the concept of socio-cultural opportunities structure is proposed. Thus, the article provides an answer to the question about the essence of cultural mechanisms by means of which cultural practices structure territorial social entities.
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