The comparison of Polish and Norwegian policy and research on work-life balance – current state of knowledge and future perspectives. Narrative review
Norway, Poland, social policy, WLB, work-life balance, working parentsAbstract
The sense of work-life balance has an undoubted impact not only on employees’ quality of life and work performance, but also on the functioning of companies. Therefore, efforts to maintain work-life balance are beneficial to workers, employers, authorities and researchers. Poland and Norway are the examples of European countries with different work-life balance policies both on legal and organizational levels. This paper aims to compare legal solutions in two economically different countries and review current research on work-life balance issues therein. Norway is a much richer country, disposing of higher possibilities in supporting citizens. The state, however, guarantees similar solutions in Poland, except for parental leaves system. Polish researchers, unlike Norwegian ones, focus more on the use and the availability of different benefits. Norwegian studies, in turn, show psychological determinants and effects of work-life (im)balance. The authors of this paper also give some suggestions for future research that could help shaping proper family-friendly policies, both in Poland and Norway.
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