Cryptocurrency users in Poland – selected characteristics


  • Wojciech Mincewicz Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Wydział Socjologii i Pedagogiki, Instytut Nauk Socjologicznych i Pedagogiki, Katedra Socjologii image/svg+xml



cryptocurrency, technology, blockchain, profile, crypto-users


The article attempts to characterize cryptocurrency users in Poland. The characteristics include the level of trust in cryptocurrencies of their users, purchase motivations, attitude towards state institutions and selected socio-demographic characteristics. The empirical basis for the analyses is quantitative research conducted using the CAWI technique among crypto-users. It was established that the average crypto-user is a young, well-educated man, living in a large city, earning at least the national average, seeing significant potential in crypto-currencies, for whom the purchase is an investment. Crypto-users are interested in politics and participate in elections. The literature part of the discussion reviews the literature on the subject, indicating crypto-users as a new socio-economic phenomenon, presenting their essence and basic features. Part three of the publication presents the methodological assumptions of the work, part four the results, and the summary of the work is a traditional ending. An integral element of the study is the bibliography.


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2024-11-10 — Updated on 2025-01-03


How to Cite

Mincewicz, W. (2025). Cryptocurrency users in Poland – selected characteristics. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (91), 47–67. (Original work published November 10, 2024)