Between gentry proto-racialism and scientific racism. A comparative study of the practices of oppressing others on the example of polish serfs and African-Americans




Racism, scientific racism, human race, proto-racialism, racial discourse, discursive power


This article aims to make a comparative study of the phenomena of gentry protoracialism and modern scientific racism and to frame them, according to the functioning academic practice, in the category of socio-cultural facts. The author outlines the characteristics of the phenomena: Polish aristocratic proto-racism and the medicalisation of the notion of the human race in the United States at the turn of the 20th century, harnessed to the process of secondary prejudice against non-whites. She points out some common elements in the practices of racialising the Other in aristocratic Poland and America far removed in time. In this context, she considers racism as an analytical category that is a tool of Foucaultian discursive power, emphasising its class and dystopic nature. He draws attention to the transformations that took place in understanding the concept of race with the progressive development of the Enlightenment European ideal of scientism. He points out the characteristics and figures commonly identified with the Other. He explains their similarity with a common core derived from early European ethnocentrism.


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How to Cite

Taradejna, P. (2024). Between gentry proto-racialism and scientific racism. A comparative study of the practices of oppressing others on the example of polish serfs and African-Americans. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (88), 77–89.