School architecture, its adaptability and forms of student’s life at school: a case study of the art high school in Cracow




architecture, art high school, modern architecture, students’ life, qualitative research


The case study research presented here focuses on the modern building of the State High School of Fine Arts in Cracow. The objective was to examine the adaptability of school architecture in response to new educational challenges. The survey gathered data using a paper questionnaire involving most students (N = 167). Mixed techniques were used to collect data, including participant drawings and free statements. The investigated issues included evaluating the school’s responsiveness to students’ needs, understanding the meaning of places, identifying students’ favourite places, and exploring the emotional relationship and identification with school goals and use of school space. The findings indicate that students value the school’s artistic ambience, desire greater space flexibility for participation and creativity, and a dedicated area for everyday needs.


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How to Cite

Lasiewicz-Sych, A. (2024). School architecture, its adaptability and forms of student’s life at school: a case study of the art high school in Cracow. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (88), 101–123.