The medicalization of a man’s body


  • Magdalena Wieczorkowska Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi, Katedra Nauk Humanistycznych, Zakład Socjologii



medicalization, man’s body, andropause, erectile dysfunction, baldness


Men’s bodies are subject into the process of medicalization similarly to women’s bodies. Although dynamics of those processes in men and in women is different and the history of man’s medicalization significantly shorter than of a woman`s, there is a body of evidence showing the expansion of those processes in the field of masculinity. This has meaningful consequences for the identity of men as well as for its perception in women.
In the subsequent sections of this paper the history of the medicalization of a man’s body will be depicted, the definition and main aspects of the medicalization processes will be elaborated. To show the character of the medicalization of masculinity examples including andropause, erectile dysfunction, baldness, plastic surgery, male circumcision and hypercholesterolemia will be elaborated.


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How to Cite

Wieczorkowska, M. (2016). The medicalization of a man’s body. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (58), 71–87.