Social Trust and Civic Engagement in Postindustrial Cities in Central and Eastern Europe




social trust, postindustrial cities, citizenship, social and political participation, social engagement


Social trust is considered to be one of the most important elements enables the effective functioning of society. It is also more and more often seen as a variable positively affecting the consolidation of democracy, the stabilization of the political systems and the formation of citizenship. Therefore, the main objective of this article is an attempt to identify the level of social trust and civic engagement and participation in selected postindustrial cities of Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover the aim of the article is to determine the strength and direction of correlation between level of social trust and indicators of civic society and citizenship (inhabitants’ interest of the public sphere and public issues; satisfaction with the political, social and economic order in the country; political participation and political subjectivity).


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How to Cite

Brzeziński, K. (2015). Social Trust and Civic Engagement in Postindustrial Cities in Central and Eastern Europe. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (52), 127–146.