Breakthrough generation in WEB 2.0


  • Marta Jablonska Uniwersytet Łódzki, Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny, Instytut Ekonomik Stosowanych i Informatyki Katedra Informatyki Ekonomicznej image/svg+xml
  • Krzysztof Billewicz Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Elektryczny, Katedra Energoelektryki image/svg+xml



Internet, Web 2.0, generation Y, generation Z


The representatives of generation Y are those born in the years 1977–1997. Otherwise known as “wired generation”, they are fluent in the Internet usage. Their skills in using this medium are confronted with the challenge of the information society, namely the spread of WEB 2.0 services. The representatives of Generation Z, though, the so-called “Millenials” are born after 2000 and perceive virtual reality as it was the same as a ‘real’ one. For them the Internet ‘always existed’. In the literature, there are some differences in the date ranges given for each generation. For this reason, generation of young people in their twenties, is sometimes included in both – the generation Y and Z – and called the breakthrough generation. The aim of the paper is to present ways WEB 2.0 services usage by representatives of the breakthrough generation together with the opportunities and threats. For this purpose, basing on the current literature of the subject, a comparison of the Internet tools usage by different generations of web surfers with particular emphasis on the generation breakthrough was made. In the next part of the paper, there were presented results of the survey that was carried out among representatives of breakthrough generation. The purpose of research was to detect ways of the Internet usage and emerging from this potential opportunities and threats.


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How to Cite

Jablonska, M., & Billewicz, K. (2016). Breakthrough generation in WEB 2.0. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Sociologica, (56), 83–97.