The quarrel – as an act of marital communication. Trying to analyze
quarrel, marriage, conjugal conflicts, communication, marital relationshipsAbstract
The issue made in the article, is associated with a certain type of marital relationships. I focused on him at quarrels and arguing that occur between partners, because they, in my opinion, determine to a large extent on the totality of these relations. I begin my thoughts to determine the meanings of such terms as: “quarrel”, “dispute”, “conflict” or “crisis”. They are used for the description of behavior, which are the subject of my interests, are therefore the key to their understanding. I assumed – that what determines the nature of marriage, is primarily associated with communication between the partners. I mean communication rather wide and turn in all its scope both verbal and non-verbal behaviour, that determine the communication and mutual affections. Any barriers which make difficult so understood communication leads to conflict and crisis, and these, in turn, take the form of “quarrels” or “disputes”. Therefore, the central problem of this article was to analyze the progress and results of quarrels and disputes that may arise in this type of relationship.
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