Social mobility, social inequalities, and the “good society”
social mobility, social inequality, comparative researchAbstract
This paper critically examines the recent research on social mobility, focusing on Gregory Clark’s 2014 work. It starts by discussing the selected results of comparative research on intergenerational inheritance of earnings and education, and it subsequently presents the main points of Clark’s theory and his methodological innovations that lead to his thorough critique of what he calls standard social mobility research. The following section discusses selected evaluation research of the programmes aimed at boosting school achievement of children coming from poor families. Next, the recent research on the inheritance of school achievement is discussed. The results of both of these studies seem to corroborate Clark’s conclusions about the universally low level of social mobility and about the inability of substantially increasing social mobility through institutional changes. Finally, the paper shows the new relationship between social mobility and the level of social inequality that emerges from the studies under consideration and discusses the possible need of redefining the aims of egalitarian social policy in light of these recent research findings.
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