(Un)planned (un)returns of Ukrainians working in Poland in the second decade of the 21st century in the context of the concept of social anchoring
migrants, Ukrainian migrants, social anchorage, integrationAbstract
The article attempts to use the concept of social anchoring to analyse the phenomenon of temporary migration of Ukrainians working in Poland in the second decade of the 21st century.
The concept is relatively new in Polish migrant literature and refers to the process of searching for life’s backrest points – anchors, allowing individuals to achieve psychosocial stability and to function effectively under new conditions. The collective of Ukrainians constitutes an interesting research category due to the fact that Poland is their main place of choice for migration both for a limited period of time – short (about one year), a certain long (several years) and for permanent residence. In its post-war history, Poland experiences for the first time contact with a mass migrant, not only taking up gainful employment, but settling with his family and attempting integration and assimilation into Polish society. Although Poles have fiercely opposed refugees from Syria or Africa, they hardly see Ukrainian migration as a threat to themselves. With an empirical base in the form of 36 interviews conducted among Ukrainian citizens employed in Poland in 2019, we would like to try to describe the differences in the projections of Ukrainian migration in the context of declarations on staying/leaving the country of migration after achieving the targets.
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