Bać się czy obawy budzić? Uczucie strachu w Historyi rozbicia się i niewoli Pana Brysson
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Pierre-Raymond de Brisson, shipwreck, captivity, fear, Morocco, 18th centuryAbstrakt
The present paper focuses of the feeling of fear described in A Historical Narrative Of The Shipwreck And Captivity Of Mr. De Brisson (1789) written by a French colonial officer who – in 1785, on his way to Senegal – shipwrecked and then spent 14 months in captivity of African tribes living on the borders of the kingdom of Morocco before convincing his masters to accompany him to Mogador and exchange for a ransom. Given the theme of the book, the fear plays an important role in the text. Yet – contrary to expectations – Brisson is rarely afraid, unlike other Europeans who survived the shipwreck and – what is more – he manages to inspire fear among Moroccan tribes. The paper is divided into three parts. The first shows how Brisson talks about his own fears. The second indicates how he portrays the fear of other Europeans and the third one focuses on the fear Brisson causes among nomads.
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