How Do Emotions Manifest Themselves in the Italian Non-Profit Organisations’ Names?




linguistics, chrematonomastics, Italian non-profit organisations, third sector, Emotions


The emotions’ manifestation in the onyms is not a frequent phenomenon. Although, due to the chrematonymy’s general richness, the main aim of this article is to verify how the emotions manifest themselves in the Italian non-profit organisations’ names. The analysis of more than 100 000 chrematonyms has given the opportunity to decide on which levels the Italians express their (and other’s) emotions in the non-profit organisations’ names. The expression of the emotions is realized on the grammatical, semantic, rhetorical or extralinguistic level. Another goal of this paper is to find out with what kind of linguistic instruments the emotions are expressed. Among those instruments we will observe: affixes, lexemes, metaphors, or graphic symbols that accompany a chrematonym. The research has given the opportunity to prove that the reference to the emotions in the social chrematonyms has pragmatic, social and marketing functions.


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Author Biography

Justyna Groblińska, Université de Łódź

lavora come ricercatrice universitaria presso il Dipartimento d’Italianistica dell’Università di Łódź. I suoi interessi scientifici si concentrano sull’onomastica, sulla cultura della lingua italiana e polacca e sul discorso calcistico. Le sue più importanti pubblicazioni sono le due ultime monografie: una crematonomastica (Nomi delle organizzazioni non profit in Italia nella prospettiva crematonomastica) e l’altra urbanonomastica (Nieoficjalne nazewnictwo miejskie Łodzi. Słownik).


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2023-10-30 — Updated on 2024-01-16


How to Cite

Groblińska, J. (2024). How Do Emotions Manifest Themselves in the Italian Non-Profit Organisations’ Names?. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, 18, 19–32. (Original work published October 30, 2023)




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