From the Crisis to a(n) (Im)possible Reconciliation in the Houellebecquian Universe




crisis, Houellebecq, market, postmodernity, repair, society


The aim of the article is to show that despite the apparent pessimism of the narration, reflecting the society in crisis, Michel Houellebecq’s narratives also provide valuable insights into how these crises can be overcome, which places them among the so-called “repairing” literary works. The analysis of the origins as well as of the stakes of the societal crisis and the way in which it resonates in the Houellebecquien universe constitutes the first part of the study and the starting point for a reflection on the role of the poetics of disorder in the reconciliation with oneself and with the world. The dispositions ensuring a better management of the critical phases – empathy, irony, humor – are present in Houellebecq’s works. A review of excerpts of two of his novels: The Possibility of an Island (2005) and Serotonin (2019) will provide us with a better understanding of how the possibilities offered by these tools are exploited by the author in his works.


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Author Biography

Magdalena Wojciechowska, University of Warsaw

Magdalena Wojciechowska, doctorante à l’École Doctorale des Sciences humaines de l’Université de Varsovie. Diplômée en 2021 (parcours à l’Institut d’études romanes de la même université, spécialisation en littérature française moderne), le titre de son mémoire de maîtrise étant Le médecin (malgré lui) triomphant : la critique du paradigme médical dans « Le Médecin malgré lui » de Molière et dans « Knock ou le Triomphe de la médecine » de Jules Romains (direction de M. Kulesza). Elle a soutenu son mémoire de licence en 2019, sous la direction de M. Sokołowicz (Isabelle Eberhardt : l’histoire d’une transfuge culturelle (‘écrits intimes’)). Elle s’intéresse aux rapports entre le littéraire, le social et le politique, notamment dans la prose narrative de l’extrême contemporain.


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How to Cite

Wojciechowska, M. . (2022). From the Crisis to a(n) (Im)possible Reconciliation in the Houellebecquian Universe. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica, 17(1), 195–205.