Redefining the Sociological Paradigm: Emile Durkheim and the Scientific Study of Morality


  • Robert Prus University of Waterloo, Canada



Emile Durkheim, Theory, Sociology, Morality, Pragmatism, German Social Realism, Wilhelm Wundt, Ethics, Folk Psychology, Aristotle, History, Symbolic Interaction


Whereas Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) has long been envisioned as a structuralist, quantitative, and positivist sociologist, some materials that Durkheim produced in the later stages of his career—namely, Moral Education (1961 [1902-1903]), The Evolution of Educational Thought (1977 [1904-1905]), The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life (1915 [1912]), and Pragmatism and Sociology (1983 [1913-1914]) attest to a very different conception of sociology—one with particular relevance to the study of human knowing, acting, and interchange. Although scarcely known in the social sciences, Emile Durkheim’s (1993 [1887]) “La Science Positive de la Morale en Allemagne” [“The Scientific Study of Morality in Germany”] is an exceptionally important statement for establishing the base of much of Durkheim’s subsequent social thought and for comprehending the field of sociology more generally. This includes the structuralist-pragmatist divide and the more distinctively humanist approach to the study of community life that Durkheim most visibly develops later (1961 [1902-1903]; 1977 [1904-1905]; 1915 [1912]; 1983 [1913-1914]) in his career.


Author Biography

Robert Prus, University of Waterloo, Canada

Robert Prus is a sociologist (Professor Emeritus) at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. A symbolic interactionist, ethnographer, social theorist, and ethnohistorian. Robert Prus has been examining the conceptual and methodological connections of American pragmatist philosophy and its sociological offshoot, symbolic interactionism, with Classical Greek, Latin, and interim scholarship. In addition to his work on the developmental flows of pragmatist social thought in rhetoric, he also has been studying the flows of Western social thought in the interrelated areas of poetics (fictional representations), philosophy, ethnohistory, religion, education and scholarship, love and friendship, politics and governing practices, and deviance and morality. As part of a larger venture, Robert Prus also has been analyzing a fuller range of texts produced by Emile Durkheim (most notably Durkheim’s later, but lesser known, works on morality, education, religion, and philosophy), mindfully of their pragmatist affinities with Aristotle’s foundational emphasis on the nature of human knowing and acting, as well as Blumerian symbolic interactionism.


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How to Cite

Prus, R. (2019). Redefining the Sociological Paradigm: Emile Durkheim and the Scientific Study of Morality. Qualitative Sociology Review, 15(1), 6–34.




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