Editorial Instructions
I. General Guidelines for Authors
1. Manuscripts submitted to Qualitative Sociology Review should represent original work not previously published. They should not contain previously published materials and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
2. The article, or any part thereof, is in no way a violation of any existing original or derivative copyright. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain appropriate written copyright permission for the reproduction of any copyrighted material, including images.
3. All manuscripts must be submitted to Qualitative Sociology Review via email: submit@qualitativesociologyreview.org. All references that explicitly reveal the identity of the authors should be removed from the article. A separate document including name and email address of all contributors should accompany the submitted article.
4. Texts are to be saved in Word format with a .doc, .docx or .rtf extension. All illustrations, graphics, photographic images, and other figures should be included in a separate file (saved in the following formats: JPEG, TIF, GIF, BMP, PNG). Title and number of the figure (in Arabic numerals, e.g., Figure 1, 2, etc.) should be included in the figure legend. All figures must be listed in the order in which they are mentioned in the text.
5. An electronic cover letter must accompany each manuscript submitted to Qualitative Sociology Review. It must state that the material for which the authors have exclusive rights is original and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere (including websites). In order to prevent the practice of ghostwriting and guest authorship, the letter must also include a statement attesting and indicating the specific contribution each author made to the manuscript. Submitting a manuscript accompanied by the cover letter is interpreted as indicating that each author participated in the preparation of the article, and have reviewed and approve the manuscript as submitted to take public responsibility for it. The corresponding author(s) should email the cover letter to: submit@qualitativesociologyreview.org.
6. All sources of financial support for the work contained should be disclosed in the covert letter.
7. Articles should be written in English only.
Authors are kindly asked to comply fully with these requirements, as well as with the general construction of the article and style requirements listed below. Failure to do so may constitute grounds for the rejection of an article at any time during the editorial process.
Potential authors who have questions about these issues should contact the editorial office at: office@qualitativesociologyreview.org
II. General construction of the Article and Style Guide
8. The article should include an abstract followed with keywords (5-10) at the beginning of the manuscript, an introduction involving theoretical inspiration in the proposed analysis, a paragraph in which the applied methodology is presented, a research study or the main theoretical argument, and a conclusion. Authors are asked to follow the accepted norms of academic writing, including the provision of accurate and complete references.
9. The style requirements of Qualitative Sociology Review are modeled on American Sociological Association Style Guide (4th ed.), 2010.
10. Citations in Text
a) If the author's name is in the text, it should be followed with the publication year in parentheses, e.g., "When Znaniecki (1934) studied…;"
b) If the author's name is not in the text, the last name and year should be enclosed in parentheses, e.g., "… (Blumer 1969);"
c) If the page number is to be included, it should follow the year of publication, with no space between the colon and the page number, e.g., "… (Goffman 1959:44)." Page numbers are to be mentioned only when directly quoting from a work;
d) When a parenthetical citation includes two or more works, a series of references should be organized in chronological order and separated by semi-colons, e.g., "… (Becker 1967; Geer 1970; Turner 1981);"
e) For joint authors, both last names must be given, e.g., "… (Glaser and Strauss 1967);"
f) For three authors, all last names in the first citation in the text should be used. Afterwards, the first name and "et al." should be given, e.g., "… (Anderson, Hughes and Sharrock 1986)," later in-text citation: "… (Anderson et al. 1986);"
g) For more than three names, the first author's last name and "et al." in the first and later in-text citations should be used;
h) If the author’s name is repeated, both the first name and the year of publication in parentheses should be given in the first and later in-text citation;
i) If the author is an organization or a government agency, the organization should be mentioned in a signal phrase or the parenthetical citation each time the source is cited;
j) If no date is given, the abbreviation "n.d." (for "no date") should be used instead of a year of publication;
k) For unpublished materials, "forthcoming" should be used to indicate material scheduled for publication, e.g., "… (Smith forthcoming)." For dissertations and unpublished papers, the date should be cited.
l) If there are two sources by the same author in the same year, the lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.) with the year to order the entries in the reference list should be used, e.g., "… (Prus 2007a, 2007b)."
m) If a source cited in another source is quoted, the name, date and page reference of the work in which information originated should appear first, followed by "as cited in" and the secondary source, e.g., "… (Mead 1934:78 as cited in Prus 1997:39)." Only the secondary source should appear in the reference list.
n) Direct quotations longer than 50 words should be placed in a free-standing block of text. Full quotation (started on a new line) should be indented from the left margin and one blank double-spaced line should be entered before and after the block-indented quotation, quotation marks are not necessary. The parenthetical citation should come after the closing punctuation mark, e.g.,
According to Becker (1963),
[o]ne of the most crucial steps in the process of building a stable pattern of deviant behavior is likely to be the experience of being caught and publicly labeled as a deviant…[B]eing caught and branded as a deviant has important consequences for one's further social participation and self image. The most important consequence is a drastic change in the individual's public identity. (p. 32)
11. Reference List
a) All references cited must be listed in the reference list and vice-versa;
b) Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work;
c) Multiple items by the same author should be arranged in order by year of publication, earliest year first;
d) Works by the same author in the same year should be distinguished by adding lower-case letters;
e) Title of a book (ending with a period) should be followed with edition number if 2nd. ed. or later;The last and first names for all authors of a particular work should be given for up to and including three authors. If the work has more than three authors, the first three authors should be listed and then "et al." should be used;
f) The state abbreviation should only be included if the city of publication is not well-known. New York, Chicago and Los Angeles do not need a state abbreviation.
g) Books;
Mead, George H. 1934. Mind, Self and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Mannheim, Karl. 1936. Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge. Translated by L. Wirth, E. Shils. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
Berger, Peter L. and Thomas Luckmann. 1966. The social construction of reality. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Belenky, Mary F., Blythe M. Clinchy, Nancy R. Goldberg, et al. 1997. Women's Ways Of Knowing: The Development Of Self, Voice, And Mind. 10th Anniversary Edition. New York: Basic Books.
h) Collected Works/Chapters in Books;
Rose, Arnold M., (ed.). 1962. Human Behavior and Social Processes. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Sacks, Harvey. 1972. "On the analyzability of stories by children." Pp. 325-345 in Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication, edited by J. Gumperz, D. Hymes. Oxford: Blackwell.
Natanson, Maurice. 1962. "Introduction." Pp. XXV-XLVII in Alfred Schutz: Collected Papers, Vol. 1, edited by M. Natanson. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
i) Print Journal/Newspaper Articles;
Blumer, Herbert. 1967. "Reply to Woelfel, Stone and Farberman." American Journal of Sociology 72(4):411-412.
Strauss, Anselm. 1982. "Interorganizational Negotiation." Urban Life 11(3):350-367.
Greenberg, Daniel S. 1991. "«Soft» Sciences Grow Up." The Washington Post, November 13, p. A19.
j) Electronic Articles;
Smith, Herman W. and Takako Nomi. 2000. "Is Amae the Key to Understanding Japanese Culture?" Electronic Journal of Sociology 5(1). Retrieved May 5, 2000 (http://www.sociology.org/content/vol005.001/smith-nomi.html).
Scheff, Thomas J. 2006. "Concepts and Concept Formation: Goffman and Beyond." Qualitative Sociology Review 2(3):48-64. Retrieved January 12, 2007 (http://www.qualitativesociologyreview.org/ENG/Volume5/QSR_2_3_Scheff.pdf).
k) Unpublished Manuscripts;
Garfinkel, Harold. 1952. “The perception of the other: A study in social order.” Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Social Relations. Harvard University, Boston.
Stepick, Alex and Carolyn D. Stepick. 1990. “What's In It For Me? What’s In It For You? Ethnographic Research On The Possible Undercount of Haitians in Miami.” Research Report No. EX90/11, Center for Labor Research, Florida International University, Miami.
Glaser, Barney. 2005. “The World-Wide Adoption of Grounded Theory.” Paper presented during the 37th World Congress of the IIS, July 6, Stockholm, Sweden.
12. Footnotes and Endnotes
a) Footnotes are used to explain or amplify text, cite materials of limited availability, or append information presented in a table or figure;
b) Endnotes should be replaced with Footnotes.
13. Foreign words used in the text should be italicized. Commonly used foreign words or terms (e.g., ad hoc, per se, et al.) should, however, appear in regular type.
14. When using an acronym the first time, the phrase should be spelled out and followed with the acronym in the parentheses. Then the acronym may be used by itself, e.g., "…Qualitative Sociology Review (QSR)…"
15. Abbreviations such as etc., e.g., or i.e., should not be used in the text. They may only be used in parenthetical comments, e.g., "For example, some terms used in specific areas of sociology are not readily understood by the general sociologists (e.g., cultural capital, etc.)."
We kindly ask authors to submit only carefully prepared manuscripts that are adjusted to these requirements. Articles that do not conform to the QSR Style Guide may be sent back to the author without review or put on hold until the submission is deemed in compliance with the requirements.