About the Journal

For a long time, we have observed an increased interest in qualitative sociology, and the use of an interpretive frame to understand human actions, social processes, meanings and definitions, and new social theory generally.

This international scientific journal is open-access. It enables a free flow of information and the integration of the community of qualitative sociologists.

Qualitative Sociology Review publishes empirical, methodological, and theoretical articles applicable to all fields and specializations within sociology. Every submitted paper is blind reviewed and quality-controlled by two reviewers. The Editorial Staff and Consulting Editors strive to operate at a high level of scientific quality.

Journals scoring by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: 100 (July 2023)

Respecting a tradition in the social sciences of gaining an interpretive understanding (verstehen) of social phenomena, we are continuing to cultivate and develop the use of qualitative research as a tool of sociological inquiry. Cooperation, integration and the development of a scientific community are our core aims. As such, our journal exemplifies the following values:

of every scientist, whose work is a way of developing knowledge about the world and improving himself/ herself as a penetrating observer of this world.

Equality and Tolerance
which manifest themselves in a respect for every human being and an interest in every opinion and mode of information, as the best way to discover the truth.

of qualitative researchers who integrate through a common conception of science and through the discovery and explanation of social phenomena.

which takes advantage of pluralism and diversity to accumulate knowledge about society that is available universally and is used to influence the integration and development of various aspects of society.

integrating through a qualitative way of understanding social action, where humans are treated as subjects who create and change the social world around them.

Publisher: University of Lodz

The basic license for publishing articles in the journal is CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution – Non-Commercial Use – No Derivatives). At the author's request it is possible to publish it under the CC-BY (Attribution) license.

e-ISSN: 1733-8077

Privacy Statement

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Alternative website of the journal: http://www.qualitativesociologyreview.org/ENG/staff_eng.php