The wall of silence surrounding literature and remembrance: Varlam Shalamov’s “Artificial Limbs”, Etc. as a metaphor of the soviet empire


  • Marcin Kępiński Professor of the University of Lodz, Ph.D. hab.; University of Lodz, Faculty of Philosophy and History, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology; ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź



literature, testimony, memory, forgetfulness, totalitarianism, GULAG


Literature of an autobiographical character acquires a special significance in the world of the bloody tragic events of the 20th century, i.e. the Holocaust, the Second World War, the realities of the Nazi and Soviet totalitarianisms, death camps, and forced labour. Those are the recollections of experienced trauma which shatters identity, and of existential experiences of a borderline nature, of which Shalamov, a witness to the epoch, felt an obligation to talk. An anthropological analysis of Varlam Shalamov’s short story titled Artificial Limbs, Etc. enables one to grasp the role of memory and autobiographical testimony as a kind of cultural and literary antidote to silence and memory distorted by the Soviet totalitarianism. The author of Kolyma Tales offered a faithful description of a world outside the‘human’ world, one which was almost impossible to describe due to its inherent moral void, level of violence, and fear of the authorities who made people forget about the crimes, victims, and oppressors.


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Author Biography

Marcin Kępiński, Professor of the University of Lodz, Ph.D. hab.; University of Lodz, Faculty of Philosophy and History, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology; ul. Lindleya 3/5, 90-131 Łódź

Marcin Kępiński – professor of the University of Lodz, Ph.D. hab.; head of the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Lodz. In his research, he focuses on symbolic anthropology, the social and cultural impact of the media, cultural images of war, anthropological literature, and the recollections of People’s Poland and Martial Law. He published texts in journals such as “Kultura i Społeczeństwo”, “Kultura i Historia”, “Etnografia Polska”, “Kultura i Wychowanie”, and “Zeszyty Wiejskie”, as well as in multi-author monographs. He was the academic editor of the publication: Dwór. Ponowoczesne przygody idei i formy (Łódź 2016). Author of books: Mit, symbol, historia, tradycja. Gombrowicza gry z Kulturą (Warsaw 2006), Podróż w ciemności. Kulturowe obrazy wojny (Łódź 2012), Pomiędzy pamięcią autobiograficzną a zbiorową. Polska Ludowa i stan wojenny w narracjach łódzkich nauczycieli (Łódź 2016).


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How to Cite

Kępiński, M. (2020). The wall of silence surrounding literature and remembrance: Varlam Shalamov’s “Artificial Limbs”, Etc. as a metaphor of the soviet empire. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 57(2), 7–25.