Peri-literary communication games of high school students


  • Anna Ślósarz Ph.D. (habilitated), professor of National Education Commission Pedagogical University, Kraków, Institute of Polish Philology, Department of Media and Cultural Research, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków



interview, Internet resources, communication skills, social skills, apparent contact, hierarchical society, interest, Internet society, correlation


Seven interviews with high school students were conducted in order to establish the relationship between their use of Internet resources and the level of their interpretation, communication and social skills. Respondents, who used the Internet as a source of information, comprehend literature factographically and its adaptations as distortions of the original texts. Their communication skills were poorly developed. They were passive in interpersonal contact. They made only superficial contact with the interviewer, in order to hide the way they really used Internet resources. They perceived the interview as a hierarchical relation, and were subordinated to the interviewer.

Students who posted texts on the Internet were able to get the interviewer engaged in the topic they were discussing. They created their own image and influenced the environment. They assumed role of a node in the network, limiting the influence of social hierarchy.

A small sample does not allow for generalization of findings. Nonetheless, it was found that students who posted texts on the Internet presented highly developed interpretation, communication and social skills.


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Author Biography

Anna Ślósarz, Ph.D. (habilitated), professor of National Education Commission Pedagogical University, Kraków, Institute of Polish Philology, Department of Media and Cultural Research, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków

Anna Ślósarz, Ph.D. hab., professor of the National Education Commission Pedagogical University in Kraków. She specialises in literary studies, social communication, media studies, didactics of literature and is interested in the functioning of products of the media industry as interpreters of literature. E-teacher, e-methodist. She developed multimedia thematic modules method for teaching the subject Polish language. Member of Editorial Board “Journal of Research in E-learning”, Co-founder and terasurer 2012–2017 of the Polish Society for Media Education, the adviser to the Minister of National Education in the field on teachers’ professional development, participates in the activities of the Association of Acacemic E-learning, Polish Teachers Association, International Association for Research in L1 Education. Major publications: Interpretanty lektur: produkty medialnego przemysłu. Multimedialne moduły tematyczne jako dydaktyczny instrument (2018); Ideologiczne matryce. Lektury a ich konteksty. Postkomunistyczna Polska – postkolonialna Australia (2013); Media w służbie polonisty (2008); Lektury licealne a kino komercyjne. Aksjologiczny wymiar edukacji filmowej (2002). Author of many papers published in, e.g. “Educatio Nova”, “International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning”, “International Journal of Research in E-learning”, “Rocznik Komparatystyczny”, “Studia ad Didacticam Literarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia”, “Studia de Cultura”.


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How to Cite

Ślósarz, A. (2020). Peri-literary communication games of high school students. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 56(1), 163–202.