Teaching the learners with a migrant background – teachers’ perspectives


  • Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens Ph.D. hab., professor of the Pedagogical University, Faculty of Philology, Institute of Polish Philology, Chair of Teaching Literature and the Polish Language, Migrant Education and Integration Research Center, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Krakow https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4809-7185
  • Marta Szymańska Ph.D. hab., professor of the Pedagogical University, Faculty of Philology, Institute of Polish Philology, Chair of Teaching Literature and the Polish Language, Migrant Education and Integration Research Center, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Krakow https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7881-0957




teacher needs, teaching migrants, teacher education


As a result of the growing number of migrants in Poland, schools accept increasing numbers of learners with a migrant background (immigrants and reimmigrants), and they are not always able to successfully help the newcomers in their integration. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake specific support activities. Related shortcomings result in many school failures among many migrants, their dropping out of schools and as a result gaining little if any qualifications. At the same time, the researchers indicated the role of teachers in the education of children with a migrant background. The level of their training and the quality of the support they can offer determines the success or lack thereof of their pupils.

In the article the researchers discussed a study (Stage 2 in particular) the purpose of which was to diagnose and analyse the needs of the education community in terms of migrant education and integration. The following question was the starting point: What do schools need to be able to better teach and integrate learners with a migrant background? The study of needs organised as a focus group gathered teachers teaching pupils with a migrant background with various levels of training, and a headmaster of a school attended by migrants. The analysis of the collected material indicated three areas where teachers need particular support: systemic organisation of accepting and educating learners with a migrant background, access to materials, and the ability to participate in additional training courses and acquire new competences.


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Author Biographies

Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens, Ph.D. hab., professor of the Pedagogical University, Faculty of Philology, Institute of Polish Philology, Chair of Teaching Literature and the Polish Language, Migrant Education and Integration Research Center, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Krakow

Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens, Ph.D. hab., professor of the Pedagogical University, specialist in teaching Polish as a foreign language, Romance philologist. She heads the Centre for Research on Migrant Education and Integration, the Pedagogical University in Krakow. Research focus: bilingualism, teaching foreign languages to children, education of migrant and refugee children, teaching and learning the language of school education, professional supplementary training for foreign language teachers, and distance education. She is the author of various academic and popular science publications regarding teaching and learning foreign languages. For many years she has been conducting training courses for teachers and education managers.

Marta Szymańska, Ph.D. hab., professor of the Pedagogical University, Faculty of Philology, Institute of Polish Philology, Chair of Teaching Literature and the Polish Language, Migrant Education and Integration Research Center, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Krakow

Marta Szymańska, Ph.D. hab., professor of the Pedagogical University; employed at the Chair of Teaching Literature and the Polish Language, Pedagogical University in Krakow; researcher at the Centre for Research on Migrant Education and Integration, the Pedagogical University in Krakow. She studies the training aspect of teaching Polish as a foreign or second language, as well as bilingualism and education of children with migrant background with particular focus on developing the language of school education. She is the co-author of the To lubię! middle school Polish textbook and curriculum; she is the author of the monograph: Między nauką o języku a rozwijaniem języka. Koncepcje kształcenia językowego na przełomie XX i XXI wieku; she is the co-author of the JES-PL Method and the materials for learners with a migrant background W polskiej szkole.


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How to Cite

Pamuła-Behrens, M., & Szymańska, M. (2020). Teaching the learners with a migrant background – teachers’ perspectives. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 56(1), 53–70. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.56.04