Linguistic and Stylistic Polyphony of Occasional Journalism


  • Maria Wojtak Professor, Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Polish Philology, Department of Polish Language and Dialectology



communication, discourse, press discourse, journalist, text genre


The article was intended as an attempt at defining a specific press publication in the form of a genre collection. It was the supplement to the Tygodnik Powszechny weekly (issue 29 of 2018) entitled “Festiwal Stolica Języka Polskiego” [Capital of Polish Language Festival]. The publication utilised the form of a press magazine, as apart from the program of the festival, it also included: an editorial, interviews, reviews, commentaries and the bios of selected festival guests. Thus, it offered a cooccurrence of specific statements in a specific place and time which is typical for such a collection. The whole could be assigned the function of announcing a cultural event (the festival), and the function of promoting it. The author analyses the publication from the discursive perspective, i.e. she focussed on specific communicational practices typical for contemporary press, which form a complex network of strategies, goals and forms of communication, which, in turn, form contemporary journalism. The analytical objective of the paper was to present the communicational polyphony of a specific collection of journalistic expressions, that is which interpret a specific reality and were used for convincing the readers to accept that interpretation. Individual texts were treated as voices, i.e. in types of linguistic actions formed in communicational (pragmatic) and formal terms.


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Author Biography

Maria Wojtak, Professor, Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Polish Philology, Department of Polish Language and Dialectology

Maria Wojtak – professor at the Institute of Polish Philology, Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, member of the Polish Linguistic Society, the Linguistic Committee at PAS, the Academic Society at the Catholic University of Lublin, and of the Legal Language Team and the Religious Language Team at the Polish Language Council. Academic focus: stylistics (theoretical, practical, historical), history of language, normative grammar, textual studies, genology, and press research. She is the author of many articles and papers on, e.g. the formation of stylistic variants of Polish and their histories; the notions of genre, style, discourse; genre realisation, i.e. a text; descriptions of selected forms of religious, official and descriptions texts; and notions in linguistic etiquette. Major book publications: Dialog w komedii polskiej na przykładzie wybranych utworów z XVII i XVIII wieku (1993); Gatunki prasowe (2004); Głosy z teraźniejszości. O języku współczesnej polskiej prasy (2010); Współczesne modlitewniki w oczach językoznawcy. Studium genologiczne (Teolingwistyka series, vol. 9, 2011); O języku i stylu polskiego dramatu. Studia i szkice (2014); Rozłożone gazety. Studia z zakresu prasowego dyskursu, języka i stylu (2015).


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How to Cite

Wojtak, M. (2019). Linguistic and Stylistic Polyphony of Occasional Journalism. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 54(3), 137–149.