Rhetoric as a Tool for Studying Our Thoughts: What is “Téchne Rhetoriké”?





rhetoric, language, linguistics, science metgodology, M.F. Quintilian, W.C. Booth, I. Kant, R.E. Volkmann, W. Windelband, der Wiener Kreis


Rhetoric is not only a methodology of the humanities. It is the most important of the sciences the ancient thinkers left us. It defines not only the methods of argumentation from uncertain premises, and not only is it a theory of text, but most of all it is a tool for organising our thoughts and preparing texts, the aim of which is to convince, but in a way which ensures knowledge and not opinion (Kant). However, the language that we use often fails us. Both Plato and Aristotle warned us about this. At the same time, they developed the foundations for téchne rhetoriké, the systemic shape of which we owe to Quintilian. Rhetoric, as posited by its ancient as well as contemporary researchers, is not a lexicon of gimmicks (Volkmann). It is rather an analogue of logic (Volkmann). As Wilhelm Windelband said: “thanks to grammar and rhetoric we have learnt the correct rules of thinking.” The author discusses not only the history of the studies of rhetoric, but also of language, mainly referring to the traditions of the Vienna Circle (Der Wiener Kreis). Though the achievements of contemporary linguistics and the contemporary studies on the philosophical foundations of linguistic studies are considered, the perspectives defined by Immanuel Kant and the researchers from the Vienna Circle are dominant. The aim of this study was not only to reiterate Windelband’s thesis, but also to verify it more comprehensively.


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Author Biography

Jakub Zdzisław Lichański, Professor emeritus, University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Linguistics, Chair of Rhetoric and the Media

Jakub Zdzisław Lichański – professor, specialist in philosophical sciences (Polish philology, history of literature, popular literature and culture, history, theory and practice of rhetoric). Major publications: Retoryka od średniowiecza do baroku. Teoria i praktyka (1992), Łukasz GórnickiSarmacki Castiglione (1998), Retoryka od renesansu do współczesnościtradycja i innowacja (2000), Opowiadania J.R.R. Tolkiena o krawędzi epok i czasów (2003), Retoryka. Historia teoria – praktyka (2007), “Niobe” K.I. Gałczyńskiego (2015), FilologiaFilozofiaRetoryka. O narzędziach badań (nie tylko) literatury popularnej (2017), Niepopularnie o popularnej. O narzędziach badań literatury (2018). Editor of volumes: Od Oświecenia ku Romantyzmowi. Kultura polska ok. 1800 (1996), J.R.R. Tolkien: recepcja polska (1996), Retoryka i badania literackie (1998), Retoryka i krytyka retoryczna: kompendium retoryczne (2012). Author of many papers published in, e.g. Literatura i Kultura Popularna, and in the collected volumes of the Fantastyczność i cudowność (Zielona Góra, Poznań) and POPKulturaPOPLiteratura (Uniwersytet Wrocławski) series. One of the authors of the Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik group. Member of the Polish Philosophical Association, Association of the Friends of History, International Society for the History of Rhetoric, editor-in-chief of Forum Artis Rhetoricae. Vide also Wikipedia entry (Jakub Z. Lichański).


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How to Cite

Lichański, J. Z. (2019). Rhetoric as a Tool for Studying Our Thoughts: What is “Téchne Rhetoriké”?. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 54(3), 51–66. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.54.03