“Genethliacon” for Barbara Bogołębska, or on the Need to Celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries


  • Beata Gaj Ph.D. hab., professor of the Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Classical Philology and Cultural Studies, Chair of Medieval Studies and Neo Latin Studies https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9165-2124




genethliacon, tradition, jubilee, genre


The most popular Polish dictionaries of literary terms, which offer the definitions of even long lost and extremely particular genres such as Indian or Japanese drama, lack even the basic information on the genre which has existed in European literature (and even outside it) for the last 23 centuries. Genethliacon is a genre which has existed since the times of Callimachus (3rd c. BC), which has been used to celebrate a person’s birth or the anniversary of their birth. Genethliacons may be of a lyrical, dramatic or rhetorical nature, and are still practised today in various languages of the world (in Latin, in line with the ancient tradition). This article provides an outline of the development of the genre within the European tradition. Initial birthday songs, usually connoting Apollo, linked people with light and poetry. What is particularly interesting is that the basic characteristics of genethliacon’s genes have not undergo any major changes throughout the many ages. The celebration of one’s birth, anniversaries and other jubilees still entails wishes, and gift-giving, including poetry developed for the occasion. It may be worthwhile to preserve such a beautiful tradition by giving someone an originally composed genethliacon, e.g. Genetliacon Barbarae Bogołębskae dedicatum.


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Author Biography

Beata Gaj, Ph.D. hab., professor of the Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Classical Philology and Cultural Studies, Chair of Medieval Studies and Neo Latin Studies

Beata Gaj – Ph.D. hab., professor of the Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw, and a translator. She specialises in Neo Latin studies, the history of Latin literature, rhetoric (theory of rhetoric and oratory practice), the history and literature of Silesia, ancient history, and women’s history. She is a member of the Polish Philological Society, and she also participates in the activities of the Polish Rhetoric Society and the History of Literature Commission, Polish Academy of Sciences, Katowice Division. She collaborates with the Polish Historical Society, Wolfson College in Cambridge, the Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies in Oxford. Selected publications: Genethliakon – pieśń ku czci życia (2018); Fabian Birkowski. Mowy akademickie i polemiczne (autor of translation, co-author of the study 2016); Linguam Latinam cognosco. Poznaję język łaciński. Podręcznik do łaciny dla dzieci (etap wczesnoszkolny) (2016); Antiquitate imbuti. Uczeni dawnych ziem pruskich w badaniach nad starożytnością i epokami późniejszymi (editor, 2014); Ślązaczka. Pomiędzy rustica grossa i Pallas Silesiae (2010).


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How to Cite

Gaj, B. (2019). “Genethliacon” for Barbara Bogołębska, or on the Need to Celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 54(3), 37–50. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.54.02