Irony, self-mockery, and ironic turns of events. Marian Załucki’s satirical performances




Załucki Marian, satire, comedy show, censorship in the People’s Republic of Poland, Borderlands


The article offers an analysis of the works of Marian Załucki (a Polish comedian, poet, children’s literature writer, and author of books: Przejażdżki wierszem, U szczypnij muzo, Ojczyste kpiny!, A n ie m ówiłem?, Niespokojna czaszka, Przepraszam żartowałem, Czy lubi pani Załuckiego?), and constitutes an attempt at presenting the specificity of the comedy scene in the PRL.


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How to Cite

Smyczek, K. (2018). Irony, self-mockery, and ironic turns of events. Marian Załucki’s satirical performances. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 45(7), 197–208.