„Pisanie z pamięci” — strategie narracyjne we współczesnej literaturze autobiograficznej


  • Maria Czempka-Wewióra




Events from the past create a man‘s personal history, which is narrated in order to emphasise the coherence of human life and its reasonableness. In this story, a special role is played by the recalling subject, who is not always identical with the main character. The most common form of autobiographic narration is in the first person singular. However, sometimes it takes a plural form or seems to be impersonal, particularly if it concerns a character that is significantly different in age or appearance form the speaker. The subject, looking at a photograph of him/her, is sometimes surprised and seems to himself/herself a totally different person. For analysing a category of the point of view is useful. It helps to describe frequent changes of perspective as regards the presentation of a character and events. The memories organised in a memory narration are very often digressive, which is explained by psychological working mechanisms of memory as well as atemporal attitude. Memory games on the axis of time are an interesting phenomenon and it is worth discussing them. The memory attempts to stop the time but then it kills events, creates a particular individual mythology. Memories are one‘s collection, a museum of memories. The timeless attitude is favoured by frequent repetitions resulting from returns to significant points which influence the individual‘s life. Nevertheless, the repetitions do not mean boredom, because each time the speaker has a different point of view and the facts start to get a new meaning.


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How to Cite

Czempka-Wewióra, M. (2011). „Pisanie z pamięci” — strategie narracyjne we współczesnej literaturze autobiograficznej. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 14(2), 192–202. https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.14.34