Kazimierz Sowiński’s archive. Records of his editorial, journalistic and poetic activities
Sowiński Kazimierz, Poets’ and Painters’ Press, Tadeusz Sułkowski, Cyprian Norwid Vade-mecum, literature of Polish emigrants after II WWAbstract
The article presents Kazimierz Sowiński’s archive, stored in Cracow together with the documents of Poets’ and Painters’ Press (London), bequethed by Krystyna Bednarczyk to Jagiellonian University in 2011. The archive consists of 138 files. Documents divide in three groups: 1. Results of the editorial work concerning Vade-mecum by Cyprian Norwid; the text had been prepared by Sowiński and printed in Poets’ and Painters’ Press in 1953, the archive contains important editorial commentaries, which Sowiński didn’t manage to finish on time; 2. Literary materials of Tadeusz Sułkowski, Sowiński’s close friend: letters, documents related to Sułkowski’s stay in POW camp in Murnau during the II WW, and materials for an edition of Sułkowski’s literaty oeuvre. 3. Sowiński’s poetic texts with numerous variants, and results of his activity in Polish section of Radio Free Europe, chiefly the texts of cultural programmes prepared by him.
The documents stored in Sowiński’s archive give the evidence of his activity as poet, editor, and radio journalist.
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