Grotowski, Kantor and Mrożek: Three itineraries of the Polish theater in Latin America




Theatrical transitions, Polish theatre, theatricality, Latin American theatre


The central core of this article aims to theorise about the process of theatrical transitions, specifically based on the part dedicated to the “transitions” of Polish theatre in Latin America. The development of the theory begins with a fundamental question: how did and does Polish theatre influence and influence Latin American theatre, and at the same time, what were its points of departure, its routes, its journeys? In this work, the category of “transition” raises several problems. It is defined in two ways, it is both an episteme and a category. Consequently, this research framework will offer to analyse, present and show which are the axes of transition that have marked the perspective of sense and meaning in Latin American theatricality from the 1960s onwards, taking as the object of study for this purpose the influences of Grotowski, Kantor and Mrożek. If so, these broad time frames would predict an “ultimate destiny” that remains to be discovered and that will “allow” us to cover long periods of time in the context of the proposed study. It is necessary to mention that the article will work on two categories of research, namely 1.- The axis present in Genealogy (Foucault): The pass, the transfers, the mechanisms of translation; 2.- On the axis of the theatrical epistemes that organise, reinterpret, distribute the discourses in their respective fields of action. Finally applying the Theory of Transitions, it will be possible to observe and study in detail the starting points, the “scenic routes” that these three creators had on the continent.


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Author Biography

Carlos Dimeo, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej

Carlos Dimeo-Álvarez – dr hab. prof. ATH (La Plata – Argentina, 1967). Doctor en Ciencias Sociales con especialización en Estudios Culturales (Universidad de Ca rabobo – Venezuela). Master “Gestión de la Comunicación y la Cultura” Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Argentina) y Master en Literatura Venezolana (Universidad de Carabobo). Maestría en Estudios del Desarrollo y Polí ticas Públicas del CENDES-UCV (Venezuela). Ha impartido clases en: Universidad Marie Curie-Skłodowska de Lublin (Polonia) y en la Universidad de Łódź (Łódź, Polonia) en la Escuela de Estudios Latinoamericanos. También trabajo en la Univer sidad Central de Venezuela en el Postgrado de Teatro Latinoamericano, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador en el Postgrado de Ciencias Sociales y Educa ción Superior, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello de Caracas. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en la Universidad de Estrasburgo (Francia), Universidad de Vallado lid (España), Universidad de Tartu (Estonia) y Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España). Actualmente es profesor en el Instituto de Neofilología de la Universidad de Bielsko-Biała. Sus últimas publicaciones son El cuerpo del lector (presencias reales del teatro y la literatura) (Dimeo, et. al., Peter Lang, 2022). En octubre de 2022 se publica rá el libro Algunos animales feroces en el teatro venezolano. Fenómenos y procesos de la teatralidad de la violencia y la crueldad en los años 70 (De Gruyter, 2022).


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How to Cite

Dimeo, C. (2022). Grotowski, Kantor and Mrożek: Three itineraries of the Polish theater in Latin America. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 65(2), 89–107.