Ryszard Kapuściński and his relationship with magical realism: communicating vessels
Magic Realism, genre, literary journalism, objectivity, fictionAbstract
As a journalistic genre, reportage is determined by the context in which it is produced but, unlike news, it does not depend on current events.
For this reason, the reporter is not obliged to be brief and has a vocation for style. This is the case of Ryszard Kapuściński (Pińsk, 1932-Warsaw, 2007), who was the correspondent of the communist-era Polish Press Agency in Latin America between 1967 and 1972, when the Latin American literary boom was at its peak.
After this experience, the reporter returned several times to the New Continent. What if the main Latin American influence on Kapuściński was actually the style, exploring a new genre, the so-called Magical Journalism?
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