Freedom in community or freedom in solitude? Remarks on republicanism and liberalism


  • Tobiasz Adam Bocheński Department of Political and Legal Doctrines, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz, 90-232 Lodz, 8/12 Kopcińskiego street


Słowa kluczowe:

republicanism, liberalism, freedom, common good, commonwealth, political thought, politics, political philosophy, history of ideas, individualism


A political thought is an area of legitimate contribution of competitive ideas. Liberalism is often considered as one of the most significant and influential paradigm of our times. The common acceptance of liberal conception of negative liberty can be acknowledged as a proof of this tendency. At the same time clearly visible is the renaissance of republicanism and the conception of active participation in governance. The liberal and republican assumptions have similar roots but different social practices. The aim of this paper is to examine in contrast liberal and republican conceptions of freedom. The author discusses main categories of both political traditions: state, commonwealth, common good, citizen, individualism, law, limited power and freedom itself. The author attempts to compere republicanism and liberalism as the competitive political paradigms to show the dilemmas of modern states and societies where there is no common consensus referring to definition of liberty.


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Jak cytować

Bocheński, T. A. (2018). Freedom in community or freedom in solitude? Remarks on republicanism and liberalism. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica, 45(7), 17–24.