Wotum Krzysztofa Grzymułtowskiego na sejmie w 1662 roku jako przejaw oratorstwa najwyższej próby
https://doi.org/10.18778/1505-9057.25.10Słowa kluczowe:
Historical stylistics, Parliamentary oratory, Baroque eloquence, Rhetoric, Stylistic differentiationAbstrakt
Parliamentary speeches of the second half of XVIIth century are the the place of inner differentiation in a statement’s style. Besides of the formal style there are some orations, which were created in just forming „average” style and looked almost like a colloquial language. Castellan’s of Poznań, Krzysztof Grzymułtowski’s speeches are the excellent base for studies with this differentiation. The speech in the seym in 1662 is the example of „high-level” style, rich in the applications of rhetorical devices. This kind of style had ussually appeared, when matters seemed hard to the speakers, and it was this case.
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