In Search of Modern Critical Language Avant-Garde Art in the Approach of Stefania Zahorska
Stefania Zahorska, interwar period, art criticism, avant-garde, formAbstract
This text is an attempt to examine Zahorska’s art criticism, primarily her statements about the avant-garde. The author analyses Zahorska’s evolving views and her concept of art, considering her aesthetic and methodological inspirations, as well as the criteria by which she evaluated works of art and artistic movements. Making a crushing assessment of the state of interwar art criticism, Zahorska repeatedly called for the rejection of impressionist pattern and the creation of a new model of writing capable of facing modern art. Her own practice was also to be the answer to these needs. For this reason, special attention is given in the article to the language of Zahorska’ art criticism – the concepts developed by the critic, the rhetoric of expression, the mode of reception dominant in her texts, etc. This makes it possible to present the specificity of her writing and determine the place of Zahorska in the field of interwar art criticism in Poland.
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