Kwantyfikacja skarbowa w strukturze tekstu urzędowego z XVII wieku


  • Józef Kość Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie image/svg+xml


Słowa kluczowe:

struktura tekstu, tekst urzędowy, kwantyfikacja, lustracja, inwentarz


The strategy of the lustration procedure drawn from the parliament’s acts and fiscal instructions that shaped 17th century official discourse, consisted of an inventory comprising the royal assets in a specific structural formula based on a fiscal calculative pattern used for tax purposes. The inventory’s structure comprised the following text sequences: 1. Showing the source of revenue. 2. Showing the revenue. 3. Showing the costs of income. 4. Showing the income. 5. Determining the amount of tax liability from the earned income.

A fiscal operation treated in a numerical way as a certain calculative concept became a constructional diagram, which textually materialised itself in lustration inventories of cities, villages and farms throughoutthe Lviv area, which were developed in a repetitive discursive practice.

A quantitative assessment in lustration inventories used for tax purposes, except for structural exponents, also has some other textual exponents, which refer to assessable areas of land, the number of outbuildings, the amount of harvest, time of work, amount of money, tax liability or the number of people.They primarily included cardinal and ordinal numbers, expressed linguistically and numerically, indicating a particular number of units which were subject to quantification, lexemes which expressed approximate values, that is indefinite numerals, and also units of measurement.

Official quantitative conceptualization, which was pragmatically conditioned, as it was in accordance with fiscaland parliamentary directives used with royal assets, expressed itself in the 17th century lustration texts using a serial and repetitive textual processin a structural and stylistic dimension.


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Jak cytować

Kość, J. (2014). Kwantyfikacja skarbowa w strukturze tekstu urzędowego z XVII wieku. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 48, 33–47.


