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Jan and Maria or Onufry and Eufrozyna? Baptismal names in the parish of Daleszyce in the years 1602–1617, 1702–1717, 1802–1817




onomastics, historical anthroponymy, names, frequency analysis


The aim of the article is to present the frequency analysis of first names. I excised them from the Latin baptism and birth records from the parish of Daleszyce (Świętokrzyskie Province) from 1602–1617, 1702–1717, 1802–1817. I research the baptismal names of boys and girls from Daleszyce and about a dozen nearby villages belonging to the parish. I compare material from three centuries, I pay attention to the differences in the repertoires of names over the centuries. I compare the stock of male names with the stock of female names. I also estimate the share of different types of frequency names (popular, frequent, rare, incidental names) among male and female names in different ages. The analysis made it possible to conclude that the repertoires of names in the analyzed periods differ significantly from each other and that the repertoire of female names at each stage of the development of the parish name system is much less diverse than the repertoire of male names.


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How to Cite

Łojek, A. (2024). Jan and Maria or Onufry and Eufrozyna? Baptismal names in the parish of Daleszyce in the years 1602–1617, 1702–1717, 1802–1817. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(1), 29–51.