Ridicule as an evaluative speech act (based on the example of contemporary Polish parliamentary discourse)
speech act, evaluative speech act, ridiculing, Polish parliamentary discourse, Polish political discourse, laughterAbstract
In the article, I attempt to describe ridicule: an evaluative speech act in which humor is a carrier of negative evaluation. The first aim of the paper is to characterize a model of ridicule through the prism of its illocutionary and perlocutionary goals, typical participants, typical construction of locution, basic felicitous and efficiency conditions, as well as communicative functions of comic malice that constitutes ridicule. The second aim of the paper is to test how the abstract model of ridicule operates in dynamic interactions determined by the specificity of contemporary Polish parliamentary discourse (covering 2019–2023). The analysis of the model ridicule is based on the speech act theory proposed by Austin (1962), developed and modified by Searle (1975, 1976) and Searle and Vanderveken (1985). The analysis of the aspect of ridiculousness was placed in the context of works on humor such as Hobbes’ (1954), Kant’s (2004), Bergson’s (1977), Dziemidok’s (1967), Minois (2021). The source of parliamentary ridiculing behaviors are stenographic reports from the sessions of the Polish parliament (the lower chamber) of its 9th term.
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