Changes in the image of selected names of regions and their inhabitants in contemporary Polish on the example of Śląsk and Ślązak




axiological dictionary survey, aspect, names of regions and their inhabitants, values, valuation


The aim of this study is to draw a picture of one of the most industrialised regions of Poland – Śląsk and its Ślązak inhabitants as shaped in the colloquial linguistic and axiological consciousness of contemporary young Poles over the last forty years. The linguistic experiment involved young people studying at Lublin’s state universities. Survey material collected during four research campaigns at ten-year intervals was selected for analysis. The survey was conducted for the first time in 1990, while the last survey took place in 2020. The survey was cognitive in nature, and included an open-ended question that was intended to prompt respondents to give their personal observations about Śląsk and Ślązak. The survey material obtained in this way made it possible to record the evolution of the qualitative changes that have taken place in the understanding of this name of the region and its inhabitants, and to note the rather rapid pace of the transformations that have taken place at four points in time.


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How to Cite

Żywicka, B. (2024). Changes in the image of selected names of regions and their inhabitants in contemporary Polish on the example of Śląsk and Ślązak. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(2), 193–209.