The mechanism of the metadiscourse on the image of Łódź in the media




media discourse, public discourse, Łódź, media image of the world, metadiscourse


Many years of observation of the media discourse about Łódź allowed us to collect a corpus of journalistic texts concerning the discourse about Łódź, which are metadiscursive in nature. They describe the way of conducting discourse about the city in public space. The aim of this article is to present, based on the functional-pragmatic method, the mechanism of the creation and functioning of the metadiscourse about Łódź, which creates a network of interconnected media texts created under the influence of the so-called triggers (or provocateurs) of metadiscourse. It turns out that 34 media texts of a metadiscursive nature explicitly referred to four pre-texts (three journalistic articles and one statement by B. Linda), commenting on them and arguing with the theses contained in them. The authors wanted to set the framework for the discourse — it should be reliable, coherent and as close to reality as possible.


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How to Cite

Gaze, M. (2024). The mechanism of the metadiscourse on the image of Łódź in the media. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(2), 387–400.