Emotions in Polish and German sports live commentary. A comparative analysis of linguistic means used to express and refer to emotions





emotions, sports commentary, metaphor


The paper examines linguistic means used to designate and express emotions in Polish and German sports live commentary. The analysis has been based on contextual citations derived from selected real-time live commentary of the Alpine Ski World Cup and the Biathlon World Cup of the season 2023/2024. The analysis has shown that a significant number of examples illustrating similar conceptualizations of emotions in Polish and German stands for their universal character. The main differences between sports commentaries in question may result from the popularity of a sports discipline, emotional involvement of the sports commentator, or standardization of the sports commentary.


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How to Cite

Pankanin, E. (2024). Emotions in Polish and German sports live commentary. A comparative analysis of linguistic means used to express and refer to emotions. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(2), 227–241. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6077.58.2.14