The pragmatic nature of supra-phrasal unities within the structure of text: purpose – evaluation – valuation




functional pragmatism, supra-phrasal unity, language, speech, evaluation, valuation


The paper investigates the methods of expressing the categories of assessment and valuation through supra-phrasal unities. The discursive material consisted of an excerpt from a scientific text, whereas the study was carried out based on a functionalpragmatic methodology. Of three sections that constitute the paper, the first one addresses the differentiation of assessment and valuation procedures. An assessment is the result of a subjective juxtaposition of objects relying on the sensory or cognitive criteria; it is the qualification of an object against specific qualitative or quantitative principles. Focusing on subjective qualities in classifying an object (when a subject attributes qualities or characteristics to an object) reorientates and converts the procedure of assessment into one of valuation. The second and third sections of the paper address the phenomenon of supra-phrasal unity as a structural element of a text. These parts present the criteria for distinguishing such unities and how to implement discursive strategies in them. The analysis of the material demonstrates preliminary principles of constructing supraphrasal unity models on the basis of texts in the scientific discourse field, taking into account the axiological assessment and characterisation.


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How to Cite

Nobis-Wlazło, K. (2024). The pragmatic nature of supra-phrasal unities within the structure of text: purpose – evaluation – valuation. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(2), 135–146.