Semantic prosody in political discourse (Polish-Slovak comparison)




political discourse, the election programme, semantic prosody


The article presents the issue of semantic prosody in political discourse in a confrontative Polish-Slovak perspective. The objects of the description are lexical units having positive or negative semantic prosody in a specific context. This phenomenon, identified in the work by Louw (1993) and developed by Sinclair (2003, 2004), consists in lexical units (mainly verbs and adjectives) acquiring a value as a result of textual connectivity with other units. The aim of this text is to show that semantic prosody can also be common to other parts of speech, as indicated by the given examples of adjectives, adverbs, and nouns occurring in the texts of programs of Polish and Slovak political parties. This material was chosen because programs are a genre in which political parties communicate the vision of political order they are creating.


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How to Cite

Sojda, S. (2024). Semantic prosody in political discourse (Polish-Slovak comparison). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 58(2), 49–64.