Aesthetic and ethical parallelism regarding to fantasy genre convention


  • Aleksandra Smułka Katedra Historii Języka Polskiego, Uniwersytet Łódzki image/svg+xml



aesthetic and ethical parallelism, value, valuation, evaluative measures, fantasy literature, axiological linguistics


This paper constitutes a summary of studies in the field of axiological linguistics. Its main aim is to present a relationship between the moral judgement and the aesthetic evaluation of characters in the Polish fantasy literature and to elaborate on some of their their characteristics. The study shows that most of the analysed characters were created on the basis of an aesthetic and ethical parallelism, which means that the righteousbeautiful or the evil-hideous types are realized. Yet the parallelism is by no means overt in the literature. A tremendous role in modification of the character’s profile is played by such attributes as the character’s eyes and voice. Descriptions of the character’s body frame and scars, recurring features in the character’s profile, and means of indirect valuation (mostly colour) are axiologically analysed. Also, the most pronounced trends in the use of primarily evaluative means are pointed out.


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How to Cite

Smułka, A. (2015). Aesthetic and ethical parallelism regarding to fantasy genre convention. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 49, 93–111.


