Profiling of the image of a human in the Polish and Russian language (based on lexicographic material)




linguistic world image, profiling, comparative linguistics, Polish language, Russian language


The aim of the study is to reconstruct the method of profiling the image of a human in the image of the world in the Polish and Russian language, based on selected lexicographic sources from the 1st half of the 20th century until the turn of the 20th and 21st century. The basis material is data drawn from dictionary entries of lexemes belong­ing to the word-formative nest człowiek, that is człowiek [a human, a man], człowieczeństwo [humanity], człowieczy [adj. sg. human], człowiecze [adj. pl. human or vocative case: Human!] and ludzie [humans, people], lud [people, folk], ludzki [adj. human, humane], ludzik [a little man, a figurine]. I also study their Russian equivalents: человек, человечность, человечный, человеческий, человечий, люди, людской. The research was conducted using the meth­odology of a linguistic image of the world. The collected material was ordered using facets. The main purpose of the study was to prove the thesis that although the Polish and Russian languages are close both genetically and geographically, significant differences in the conceptual sphere can be observed between them due to the different history. The result of the study is confirmation of the adopted thesis: there are significant differences between the profiling of the image of a human in the Polish and Russian language, as proven by the different hierarchy of the facets. In the Polish material, the most examples represent the facets: origin, axiological sphere, nature, activity, human as a species, whereas in the Russian material they are: professional relations, universal human relations, nature, axiological sphere, human as a species.


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How to Cite

Jachimczak, K. (2023). Profiling of the image of a human in the Polish and Russian language (based on lexicographic material). Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 57, 121–138.