Linguistic and semantic and pragmatic determinants of description, narration and consideration in the seventeenth century carols by Jan Żabczyc


  • Cecylia Galilej Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej



narrative forms of poetic expression, description, narration, consideration, coherence, cohesion


Each text — according to the concept of author — represents an organized multi-layer structure (stylistic and linguistic), which is one of the basic elements filing the appropriate forms of expression. The problem of this kind of expression of jist content an important semantic-formal factor which fill the overall composition of the text (its general structure and a detailed segmentation, thematic dominant and components of the presented world, sender and recipient, linguistic means of expression). This article discusses the characteristic for early baroque very popular carols Symfonije anielskie semantic types of speech, among which stands out narration (as a form of speech). A dominant position occupies a description, especially in theological carols, whereas narration (as a story) occur in both theological and pastoral songs. In a direct connection with the analysis of the various forms of presentation of jist by the narrator it is also the issue of segmentation of text and a review of procedures to ensure it a cohesion.


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How to Cite

Galilej, C. (2017). Linguistic and semantic and pragmatic determinants of description, narration and consideration in the seventeenth century carols by Jan Żabczyc. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 51(1), 161–176.


