Exceeding the linguistic norm in Internet memes as a strategy of persuasion





language game, intertextuality, internet memes: contextual, autonomous, persuasion


The internet meme is a multimodal speech genre functioning primarily in the Internet space, based on intertextuality, repeatedly duplicated and spread (Wójcicka 2019: 24), which mainly performs persuasive and ludic functions. The aim of the article is to analyze: 1) memes, the subject of which is the transgression of the linguistic norm by meme heroes, and 2) the principles of creating memes showing the violation of the linguistic norm by actors of the political scene or ordinary citizens. The article is an attempt to answer the following questions: 1) What linguistic elements outside the accepted norm (both standard and functional) are shown in memes? 2) What image of the hero emerges from his statements situated below the linguistic norm? 3) What self-image is created by the sender of the meme by stigmatizing the protagonist’s incorrect use of language? 4) What are the functions of memes showing statements outside the linguistic norm?


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How to Cite

Wójcicka, M. (2022). Exceeding the linguistic norm in Internet memes as a strategy of persuasion. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 56, 145–173. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6077.56.09