Everyday life in the Trilogy and The Knights of the Cross


  • Bogdan Walczak Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Jakuba z Paradyża, 66-400 Gorzów Wielkopolski, ul. Teatralna 25




historical novel, linguistic realism, everyday life vocabulary


The author endeavors to demonstrate the distinctions regarding the setting of the protagonists’ stories in everyday life realities in the Trilogy and The Knights of the Cross. According to the author, the differences derive from the adapted literary conventions in the historical novels: the fairy-tale convention in the Trilogy and the realistic convention (with the elements of naturalism) in The Knights of the Cross.


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How to Cite

Walczak, B. (2016). Everyday life in the Trilogy and The Knights of the Cross. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica, 50, 25–32. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6077.50.02